Helen Wales (1886-1977) was the daughter of George Rogers Wales and Mabel Louise Hervey. While she never married, the children and grandchildren of her niece and nephews have enjoyed many stories of Great Aunt Helen, who shared many of her memories in her special style of verse. Recently we reopened a tattered three ring binder that Helen compiled in the the 1960’s, including many gathered snapshots and a collection of memories in her style of verse. We are now compiling these here to share with family and friends.

Now as you look thru the list of verse by me,
I hope that some will fill your heart with glee,
I’ve tried hard to tell in this simple form
How life for our family of Wales has gone.
I hope you find interest in all that I mention,
I’ve done my best to follow brother John’s suggestions,
And tell the story in the way that seems true,
It is my hope this will bring pleasure to you.
Sometimes the rhyme is not quite right,
Again the rythm may be off just a mite.
To make it perfect, this I can not do,
It’s just the story I want to tell you.
With Love,

[Note: I have tried to retain Aunt Helen’s spelling as she typed it in the album.]

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